5RB Talks: Manchester

With Jonathan Barnes KC, Richard Munden, Chloe Strong & Adrienne Page KC

Format: Event
Date: 15 May 2015

5RB completed the third of its 2015 series of talks in Manchester on 29 April. 5RB’s Jonathan BarnesRichard Munden and Chloe Strong spoke and the evening was moderated by Adrienne Page QC.

Jonathan gave an overview of the Defamation Act 2013, focusing on the case law developments since January 2014 in particular in relation to section 1 and “serious harm”. Richard considered privacy, data protection and harassment as alternatives to defamation. Chloe discussed online postings, including disclosure and take down strategies.

There were some very interesting discussion points made after the talks. 5RB would like to thank all those who attended, contributed to the discussion and filled the room to capacity!