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- Desmond Browne CBE KC
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- Professor Tony Smith
- Patrick McCafferty QC
Iqbal v Geo TV Limited
(1) Joseph Pacini, (2) Carsten Geyer v Dow Jones & Company Inc [2024] EWHC 2714 (KB)
Hawrami v Journalism Development Network Inc & Ors
Libel – Preliminary Issues Trial – meaning – qualified privilege – s. 15 Defamation Act 1996
Vince v Associated Newspapers Ltd
Libel – strike out – meaning – the rule in Charleston
Secretary of State for Business and Trade v Alexander Greensill
Open justice – Article 8 – Pre-hearing access to witness statements – Non-parties
Harcombe v Associated Newspapers Ltd
Defamation - preliminary issues - trial of public interest defence under s.4 Defamation Act 2013 - Curistan - reporting privilege under s.15 Defamation Act 1996 - privilege for publication of a summary of a peer-reviewed scientific article under s.6(5) Defamation Act 2013 - meaning - fact or opinion - honest opinion - not believing an opinion under s.3(5) Defamation Act 2013
Mueen-Uddin v SSHD
Libel – Hunter abuse – Jameel abuse – Rule in Dingle
George v Cannell
Malicious falsehood - proper interpretation of s.3, Defamation Act 1952 - whether s.3 requires a claimant to prove actual pecuniary damage or only its likelihood at the time of publication - whether damages for injury to feelings are recoverable if pecuniary damage sustained is only nominal
Various Claimants v NGN (TPI)
TPI - Phone Hacking Litigation - Limitation
Clifford v Millicom Services UK Ltd & Ors
Reporting Restriction Orders – Rule 50 – Article 8 ECHR – Whistleblowing – Confidentiality
WFZ v British Broadcasting Corporation
Blake and ors v Fox
Libel – serious harm – social media – causation – qualified privilege