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Farhan Junejo v New Vision TV Limited
Preliminary issue – whether publication occurred within jurisdiction – litigation bias – delay in issuing – destruction of records
Fortescue Metals Group & anor v (1) Argus Media Ltd (2) S&P Global Inc
Breach of Confidence - Trade Secrets - Injunction - Public Interest
Fashion ID GmbH & Co. KG v Verbraucherzentrale NRW eV
Data protection – Facebook plugin embedded on website – joint controllers
Flymenow Limited v Quick Air Jet Charter GmbH
Defamation – Meaning – Justification – Qualified Privilege – Abuse of Process - Damages
Flood v Times Newspapers Ltd (No.3)
Libel - Damages - Defendant's conduct - Deterrence - Vindication
Fox v Boulter (disclosure)
Libel - specific disclosure - non-party disclosure - CPR 31.12 - CPR 31.17
Flood v Times Newspapers Ltd (No.2)
Defamation - libel - natural and ordinary meaning - innuendo - Chase Levels - meaning as a preliminary issue - online publication
Fox v Boulter
Defamation - Libel – Meaning – Innuendo - Trial of meaning as preliminary issue
Fairstar Heavy Transport NV v Adkins
Examination of emails - Information as property – property in the content of an email
Foley & Others v Lord Ashcroft
Defamation - libel - The Independent - allegations of involvement in corruption - pleading - justification - honest comment - defences struck out - application for permission to amend by adding back both defences - application dismissed - appeals - threshold requirements for pleading - clarity - precision of indictment - pleading fraud - appeals dismissed
Flood v Times Newspapers Limited (SC)
Libel - Reynolds privilege - Public interest - Responsible journalism
Ferdinand v MGN Ltd
Misuse of private information - Breach of confidence - Balancing Exercise - Article 8 Right to Privacy - Article 10 Right to Freedom of Expression - Public interest - False or misleading image - Debate of General Interest - Footballers - Kiss and Tell
Farid El Diwany v Ministry of Justice
immunity of states - defamation - Lugano convention 2007 - strike out - abuse of process - internet publication
Farrall v Kordowski
Libel - Interim injunction - Freedom of expression - s.12 Human Rights Act 1998 - Article 10, ECHR - 'Solicitors from Hell' website
Flood v Times Newspapers Ltd (CA)
Libel - Reynolds privilege - Public interest - Responsible journalism - Continued internet publication following receipt of new information - Appellate jurisdiction
Fiddes v Channel Four Television Corporation & Ors (No 2) (CA)
Libel - Mode of trial - Jury or judge alone - Prolonged examination of documents - Convenience of trial with jury - Discretion - s.69 Senior Courts Act 1981
Fulham FC v West Ham United
Arbitration - FA Premier League - previous Award between different parties - admissibility - confidentiality -publication of determination
Fiddes v Channel 4 Television Corporation & Ors (CA)
Defamation - Civil Evidence - Disclosure - Duty of Search - Electronic Documents - Deleted Emails - Restoration of Back up tapes - CPR Practice Direction 31
Fedchenko v Russia (No 2)
Defamation - Human rights - Article 10, European Convention on Human Rights
Far Out Productions Inc v Water Music Productions Ltd & Ors
Discontinuance – CPR r. 38.6 - Alternative order for costs – Whether valid reason for departing from deemed order under r. 44.12 that C pay costs on standard basis.
Financial Times Ltd & Ors v United Kingdom
Article 10 - Freedom of Expression - Journalists' Sources - Breach of Confidence - Norwich Pharmacal Orders - Whether necessary in a democratic society
Flood v Times Newspapers Ltd
Defamation - Allegations published in print and on website - Reynolds privilege - Preliminary issue - Police officer - Allegation of corruption - Police investigation - Anonymous ources
Flood v Times Newspapers Ltd (Third Party Disclosure)
Defamation - Libel - Third-party Disclosure Order - CPR Part 31.17 - Classes of document - Likely to support a party's case - Confidentiality/privacy interests of third parties mentioned in the documents - Necessity for disclosure order - Discretion
Ferguson v British Gas Trading Ltd
Harassment – Protection From Harassment Act 1997 - Companies - Corporate liability – Threats to customer - Course of conduct – Knowledge – Striking out
F & Anor, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Sentencing – Human rights – Sex offenders – Notification requirements - Proportionality - European Convention on Human Rights, Art 8 – Right to respect for private and family life - Sexual Offences Act 2003 – Declaration of incompatibility - Disproportionate interference
FA Premier League Ltd v QC Leisure & Ors
Copyright - Broadcasts - s.298, Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 - Infringement of copyright - Directives 98/84/EC, 89/552/EEC, 93/83/EEC, 2001/29/EC - Competition law - Articles 28, 49, 81, EC Treaty - Reference to European Court of Justice - Article 234, EC Treaty - Territorial licences - Decoders - Football matches - Use of non-UK decoders to received broadcasts of football matches in UK pubs
Fisher v Brooker & Onward Music (CA)
Copyright - Musical work - Joint authorship - Composition of song - Delay - Acquiescence - Laches - Proprietary estoppel - Impossibility of fair trial - Assignment - Contract - Unfairness - Remedies - Declaratory relief - Ownership
Freer v Zeb & Ors
Defamation - Slander - Publication - Summary Judgment - Abuse of process - Vicarious liability - Civil restraint orders
FA Premier League Ltd v QC Leisure & Ors
Copyright - Broadcasts - ss.298, 299 Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 - Competition law - Article 81, EC Treaty - Infringement of copyright - Territorial licences - Decoders - Football matches - Use of non-UK decoders to received broadcasts of football matches in UK pubs
Flux & Samson v Moldova
Human rights - Freedom of expression - Article 10, ECHR - Defamation - Value judgments - Requirement to prove truth - Balance - Public interest - Responsible journalism - Exaggeration and provocation - Dissemination of the statements of others
Flux v Moldova (No 2)
Right to fair trial - Art 6, ECHR - Right to freedom of expression - Art 10, ECHR - Libel - Judicial impartiality - Sufficiency of reasons
Flux v Moldova (No.3)
Libel - Accuracy - Public Interest - Article 10
Fearns v Anglo-Dutch Paint & Chemical Co Ltd & Ors
Trade marks - Infringement - Passing off - Misrepresentation - Malicious falsehood - Publication - Copyright - Infringement - Duration - s.52 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 - Breach of contract - Causing loss by unlawful means
Fisher v Brooker & Onward Music Ltd
Copyright - Musical work - Joint authorship - Composition of song - Significance of contribution - Fair trial - Assignment - Estoppel - Laches
Fallon v Horseracing Regulatory Authority
Sports law - Supervisory jurisdiction of High Court over domestic tribunals - Evidence - Proportionality
Fallon v MGN Ltd (No.2)
Libel - Meaning - Justification of Chase Level 2 and 3 Meanings - Seriousness of allegations - Adequacy of particulars
Flaherty v National Greyhound Racing Club Ltd
Sport - Greyhound racing - trainer found in breach of rules by regulator - claim for declaration that regulator's decision invalid - fairness - bias - interference by court - principle of non-interference
Fraser-Woodward Ltd v BBC & Brighter Pictures Ltd
Copyright - Photographs - Fair dealing - Criticism and Review - Sufficient Acknowledgement - Incidental Inclusion
Friend v Civil Aviation Authority & Others
Malicious falsehood - Breach of contract - Inducement to breach contract - Unlawful means conspiracy - Civil Aviation Authority - Dismissal from employment
Fallon v MGN Ltd
Libel - Stay of Proceedings - Criminal Inquiry
Financial Services Authority v Fradley and Woodward
Gambling - Horse racing betting scheme – Financial Services Authority – Contravention of Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
Fahey v Jockey Club
Sports Law- Tribunal- Appeal- Human Rights- Breach of the Rules of Racing - rider in breach of Rule 157 - intentionally not asking the horse for sufficient effort - trainer's liability under Rule 150(ii) - fairness of hearing - Article 6 ECHR.
Fayed v BBC
Contract - TV programme - Prior approval - Interim Injunction
Foster & Another v Associated Newspapers Limited
Defamation - Libel - meaning - justification - amendment - mode of trial - s.69 Supreme Court Act 1981 - adjournment of trial
Fayed v Telegraph Group Ltd
Defamation - Libel - meaning
Ferguson v Associated Newspapers Limited
Defamation - Libel - football manager - summary disposal - section 8 Defamation Act 1996 - defamatory meaning - summary relief - quantum of damages