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OPO (a child by BHM his litigation friend) v MLA
Injunction application - misuse of private information - negligence - Wilkinson v Downton - psychiatric harm - jurisdiction
Privacy - Human Rights - Injunctive relief - Injunctions - Spycatcher - Contra mundum - third parties - media
O2 Holdings Ltd & Anor v Hutchison 3G UK Ltd (ECJ)
Trade mark - Infringement - Comparative advertising - Art 5, Trade Marks Directive – Art 3a(1), Comparative Advertising Directive – Reference to ECJ - Right to prevent use of sign identical or similar to registered mark — Whether extending to use of sign in comparative advertising
Oxford University & Ors v Broughton & Ors
Harassment - Injunction - Protection from Harassment Act 1997 - Freedom of expression - Freedom of assembly
O2 Holdings Ltd & Anor v Hutchison 3G Ltd (CA)
Trade marks - Infringement - Comparative advertising - Arts 5(1), 5(2), Trade Marks Directive - Comparative Advertising Directive - Defence - Purely descriptive use of mark - Whether requirement that use of mark indispensible to make comparative advertisement effective
O’Riordan v DPP
Criminal law - Reporting restrictions - Human rights - Information likely to lead to identification of victim of sexual offence - Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992 - Freedom of expression - Article 10 - Whether necessary in a democratic society - Whether conduct proscribed by law
Oliver v Chief Constable of Northumbria Police (No.2)
Defamation - Libel - Justification - Qualified Privilege - Malice
One Honest Man Inc v BBC
Broadcasting - Contract - Injunction - Human Rights - whether the claimant should be granted an injunction
Oliver v Chief Constable of Northumbria Police
Defamation - Slander - Fair Comment - Qualified Privilege -summary judgment - Police
Oduro v Time Life
Defamation - Libel - Meanings - Strike out application - Abuse of process
O’Shea v MGN Limited
Defamation - libel - reference - photograph - look-alike - Article 10 ECHR