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- Desmond Browne CBE KC
- Justin Rushbrooke KC
- Adrienne Page KC
- Andrew Caldecott KC
- Tom Blackburn SC
- Alexandra Marzec
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- Godwin Busuttil
- Adam Wolanski KC
- William Bennett KC
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- Felicity McMahon
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- Julian Santos
- Greg Callus
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- Ben Hamer
- Patrick Milmo KC
- Professor Tony Smith
- Patrick McCafferty QC
Yalland & Ors v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
Anonymity for claimants challenging the government’s alleged decision to leave the EEA without an Act of Parliament
Footballer refused injunction over alleged blackmail plot
Yeo MP v Times Newspapers Ltd
Libel - jury trial - s11 Defamation Act 2013 - s69(3) Senior Courts Act 1981 - discretion - meaning - relief from sanctions
Yazar and others v Turkey
Human Rights - Defamation - Libel - political speech - whether conviction was a breach of arts 6 or 10 ECHR - whether hearing took place before an independent and impartial tribunal