Victoria Jolliffe

Victoria Jolliffe

Victoria acts for both claimants and defendants in defamation, privacymalicious falsehood, data protection, harassment, and other media related actions. Named in The Lawyer’s ‘Hot 100’ 2013 as “a go-to counsel on expanding and critical areas of media law“, she is recommended as a defamation junior in both Chambers & Partners and Legal 500:

  • “Extremely skillful, vastly experienced and much in demand in the market.” Legal 500 2021
  • “Victoria is quick to grasp the issues and provides clear and concise advice.” “She’s reliable and bright and has excellent experience.” “Her work ethic is absolutely phenomenal: I have not seen anyone work as hard as her.” Chambers & Partners 2021

Victoria has been instructed as a junior in some of the most high profile libel trials: Mitchell v NGN, Cruddas v Times Newspapers Ltd and Yeo v Times Newspapers Ltd. She secured an award of £200,000 damages for Nadhim Zahawi MP in his claim against Press TV. Recent cases include acting (with Jonathan Barnes) for the claimants in the group litigation data breach claim against Morrisons, at trial, the Court of Appeal and in the Supreme Court, and striking out a breach of confidence claim (led by Justin Rushbrooke KC): Choudhrie v Choudhrie [2019]. Victoria also acted as junior counsel for Johnny Depp (pre-trial) in his libel claim against NGN Depp v NGN & Anr.

She recently acted for the claimant in a libel claim in respect of an article published in The Sun Hamilton v News Group Newspapers [2020], obtaining substantial compensation in settlement following a trial of a preliminary issue on meaning. Other recent meaning trials include: Ager v Career Development Finance Ltd [2019], and Scarsdale Grange LLP v JPIMedia NSMY Ltd [2020] (led by Adam Speker KC).

She has advised on numerous Offer of Amends cases resulting in substantial damages being obtained by her clients.  She obtained judgment for a firm of solicitors who brought a libel action in respect of a posting on the website ‘Solicitors From Hell’: Awdry Bailey Douglas & Anr v Kordowski.

Victoria’s defendant practice includes: acting for the defendant credit agency in a meaning trial in which she successfully argued that the publication complained of was not defamatory Triaster v Dun & Bradstreet Ltd [2019]; acting as junior for WADA in the libel claim brought by the footballer Mamadou Sakho: Sakho v WADA [2020];  sole counsel at trial for the successful defendant in a libel claim David v Hosany;  acting for the defendant newspaper in Reid v (Newsquest Midlands South) Ltd; acting as junior counsel for the successful defendant in Sobrinho v Impresa Publishing SA; acting as junior Counsel for the Evening Standard in a libel action brought by a former Conservative MP:  Lait v Evening Standard Ltd  at first instance and in the Court of Appeal;  acting as sole counsel for the defendant in Buckley v Dalziel, the first case to establish that absolute privilege applies to police witness statements; and as sole counsel for the successful defendant in the abuse of process case: Williams v MGN Ltd . She has successfully struck out numerous libel claims on behalf of her clients and also regularly advises on practical steps online publishers can take to minimise their potential liability.

In addition to her defamation practice, Victoria regularly acts for and advises individuals and companies who are the victims of online campaigns of harassment. She was recently successful in obtaining substantial damages and an injunction for the claimants following trial, in relation to a persistent twitter campaign against two solicitors.

Victoria has developed a particular speciality in Norwich Pharmacal applications. She also advises on related issues under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Previous cases of interest include:

  • obtaining an injunction under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 for a performing artist touring in the UK
  • securing the removal of her clients identifying details from an article published on a major newspaper’s website
  • acting for a “citizen journalist” defendant facing a £50,000 libel claim in respect of his website: the claimant discontinued after the Defence was served
  • obtaining damages and an apology in relation to a defamatory “tweet”
  • sole counsel for various media clients resisting an application for part of a high profile trial to be heard in private: McKillen v Misland & Ors
  • junior counsel for a newspaper striking out a malicious prosecution claim: Qema v NGN
  • acting as junior counsel for a company against a former employee in relation to defamatory statements in anonymous letters –   Jon Richard v Gornall
  • obtaining an order for disclosure of the identities of anonymous online forum users, and subsequently obtaining an order for inspection of the defendant’s computer server: Patel v Unite

Victoria is public access accredited and can be instructed directly by members of the public and companies in suitable cases.


2005 Called to the Bar of England and Wales


University of Leeds, Bachelor of Broadcasting (First Class)
Nottingham Law School, GDL (Distinction)
BBP Law School BVC (Very Competent)

Areas of work

Defamation and Malicious Falsehood
General Common Law
Intellectual Property
Pre-publication Advice
Privacy and Confidence
Reporting the Courts and Contempt
Data Protection and Information Law


Good advocate, knows the law, is excellent with clients.” Legal 500 2024

“Extremely skillful, vastly experienced and much in demand in the market.” Legal 500 2021

“Victoria is quick to grasp the issues and provides clear and concise advice.” “She’s reliable and bright and has excellent experience.” “Her work ethic is absolutely phenomenal: I have not seen anyone work as hard as her.” Chambers & Partners 2021

“Down to earth and pragmatic, and her experience goes way beyond her year of call.” “She is incredibly diligent and always very responsive with answers on complex issues.”
Chambers & Partners 2020

“She is very hard-working, straightforward and someone who understands the client’s objectives and costs considerations.” “She is particularly good on her feet and always gives good advice.”- Chambers & Partners 2018

“A diligent and dedicated advocate.” – Legal 500 2018

“Has a strong reputation for her adroit handling of libel and privacy claims.” “She’s an absolute pleasure to work with, very supportive and inspires real confidence on tricky cases.” – Chambers & Partners 2016

“Knows the law inside out, and works hard to find avenues not previously considered.” – Legal 500 2016

“Has a growing reputation within the Defamation Bar due to her fine written and advocacy skills…”Cuts to the heart of the issue very quickly and is very responsive.”” – Chambers & Partners 2014

“”calm, composed and capable”…impresses sources as a potential future star of the Defamation Bar” Chambers & Partners 2013

Named as one of The Lawyer’s ‘Hot 100’ 2013

Sir Thomas More Bursary – Lincoln’s Inn

Featured cases

Various Claimants v Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC

[2018] EWCA Civ 2239 22/10/2018

All cases

Defamation and Malicious Falsehood

Ashley v Times Newspapers Limited

[2021] EWHC 2082 (QB) 23/07/2021

Alvaro Sobrinho v Impresa Publishing SA

[2016] EWHC 66 (QB); [2016] EMLR 12 22/01/2016

Cruddas v Calvert (CA)

[2015] EWCA Civ 171 19/03/2015

Donovan v Gibbons

[2014] EWHC 3406 21/10/2014

Yeo MP v Times Newspapers Ltd

[2014] EWHC 2853 (QB) 20/08/2014

Cruddas v Calvert & Others (No.4)

[2013] EWHC 2298 (QB) 31/07/2013

Cruddas v Calvert & Others (No.3)

[2013] EWHC 1791 (QB) 26/06/2013

Lait v Evening Standard Ltd (CA)

[2011] EWCA Civ 859; [2011] 1 WLR 2973; [2012] EMLR 4 28/07/2011

Awdry Bailey and Douglas v Kordowski

[2011] EWHC 785 (QB) 01/04/2011

Lait v Evening Standard Ltd (No 2)

[2010] EWHC 3239 (QB) 09/12/2010

Henderson v The London Borough of Hackney & The Learning Trust

[2010] EWHC 1651 (QB) 08/07/2010

Lait v Evening Standard Ltd

[2010] EWHC 642 (QB) 25/03/2010

Williams v MGN Ltd

[2009] EWHC 3150 (QB) 02/12/2009

Kahangi & Ors v Nourizadeh

[2009] EWHC 2451 (QB) 09/10/2009

Mardas v New York Times; Mardas v International Herald Tribune

[2008] EWHC 3135 (QB); [2009] EMLR 8 17/12/2008

Malik v Newspost Ltd & Ors

[2007] EWHC 3063 (QB) 19/12/2007

Buckley v Dalziel

[2007] EWHC 1025 (QB); [2007] 1 WLR 2933; [2007] EMLR 624; The Times, 7 June 2007 03/05/2007

Privacy and Confidence

WM Morrison Supermarkets plc (Appellant) v Various Claimants (Respondents)

[2020] UKSC 12 01/04/2020

Choudhrie v Choudhrie

[2019] EWHC 2066 (Ch) 13/08/2019

Various Claimants v Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC

[2018] EWCA Civ 2239 22/10/2018

Various Claimants v WM Morrisons Supermarket PLC

[2017] EWHC3113 (QB); [2018] IRLR 200; [2018] EMLR 12 01/12/2017

KGM v News Group Newspapers Ltd

[2010] EWHC 3145 (QB) 01/12/2010


[2010] EWHC 2457 (QB) 07/10/2010

Reporting the Courts and Contempt

Allen v The Grimsby Telegraph

[2011] EWHC 406 (QB) 02/03/2011

Injunctive Relief

KGM v News Group Newspapers Ltd

[2010] EWHC 3145 (QB) 01/12/2010


[2010] EWHC 2457 (QB) 07/10/2010

Data Protection and Information Law

WM Morrison Supermarkets plc (Appellant) v Various Claimants (Respondents)

[2020] UKSC 12 01/04/2020

Various Claimants v Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC

[2018] EWCA Civ 2239 22/10/2018

Various Claimants v WM Morrisons Supermarket PLC

[2017] EWHC3113 (QB); [2018] IRLR 200; [2018] EMLR 12 01/12/2017

General Common Law

Qema v News Group Newspapers Ltd

[2012] EWHC 1146 (QB) 02/05/2012

In 5RB News

14 Jun 2024

Preliminary issues determined in ‘The Lost King’ film claim

29 Feb 2024

Court to determine meaning of film ‘The Lost King’

20 Oct 2023

5RB tops rankings in Chambers & Partners

5 Oct 2023

5RB named Tier 1 set in Defamation and privacy by The Legal 500

10 May 2023

Stoute v News Group Newspapers Ltd

7 Oct 2022

5RB named top set by The Legal 500

Directory rankings also released

4 Nov 2020

Statement in Open Court in Mamadou Sakho v WADA

Premier League footballer settles claim against the World Anti-Doping Agency

1 Apr 2020

Morrisons appeal allowed by Supreme Court

Application in principle of vicarious liability to data protection confirmed however

5 Dec 2019

Triaster Ltd v Dun & Bradstreet Ltd: preliminary issues trial

Court to determine meaning, whether statement defamatory at common law and whether fact or opinion

19 Nov 2019

Supreme Court Judgment awaited in “fascinating” Morrisons data claim

Appeal by Morrisons against liability in mass data leak has been heard by the Supreme Court

6 Nov 2019

Supreme Court begins hearing Morrisons data claim

Two-day appeal in Supreme Court starts today in case concerning massive employee data breach

14 Aug 2019

Marital confidence claim brought by businessman Bhanu Choudhrie struck out

Chancery Judge strikes out Mr Choudhrie’s claim for declaratory relief against his estranged wife Simrin Choudhrie

22 Oct 2018

Court of Appeal Upholds Morrisons Data Breach Claim

Morrisons’ challenge to vicarious liability finding dismissed

19 Jul 2018

Roberto Carlos settles “banned performance enhancing drugs” libel case

Associated Newspapers Ltd apologises after making Offer of Amends

1 Dec 2017

Landmark judgment in group litigation data leak claim

Morrisons held vicariously liable for disclosure of employee data

2 Nov 2017

“The pre-eminent set”: Chambers UK

5RB and members recommended for Defamation & Privacy and Data Protection in 2018 Chambers UK Bar Guide

11 Oct 2017

5RB ‘dominates the field’ in Legal 500

Chambers and members recommended for Defamation & Privacy, Data Protection, and Media and Entertainment work in legal directory

9 Oct 2017

Trial in Morrisons data leak case begins

Claim in misuse of private information, breach of confidence and under DPA

4 May 2017

Nadhim Zahawi awarded £200,000 libel damages

Damages awarded after false claim of funding terrorism

2 Dec 2015

Sunday Times wins libel claim

Newspaper’s defences upheld in former MP’s action

19 Mar 2015

Cruddas Appeal allowed in part

Damages assessed at £50,000

27 Nov 2014

‘Plebgate’ Judgment

Mitting J: Mitchell said words alleged or similar

31 Oct 2014

5RB tops Chambers & Partners 2015

Set and 19 barristers recommended in UK Bar Guide

31 Jul 2013

Former Tory Treasurer awarded £180,000 against Sunday Times

Peter Cruddas wins libel and malicious falsehood action over Insight's 'cash-for-access' sting

28 Jan 2013

5RB Barrister in The Lawyer’s Hot 100

Victoria Jolliffe named in 2013 list as 'go-to counsel'

28 Oct 2011

5RB tops Chambers and Partners 2012

Adam Wolanski wins Defamation and Privacy Junior Barrister of the Year

27 Sep 2011

‘Truly experts’

The Legal 500 review 2012

24 May 2011

Ramsay father-in-law fails in Court of Appeal

Eady J decison to refuse privacy injunction in relation to secret second family upheld

9 Dec 2010

Former MP loses ‘expenses’ libel claim

Evening Standard Ltd succeeds on summary judgment application

5 Nov 2010

5RB tops directory ranking

Chambers & Partners 2011 edition praises set

25 Mar 2010

Expenses MP in libel setback

Aggravated damages principles clarified as Eady J strikes out meanings

3 Dec 2009

Convicted murderer’s libel action fails

Claim struck out as an abuse of process

24 Sep 2009

5RB’s juniors: the Legal 500 verdict

What the legal directory had to say about 5RB's junior barristers

21 Jul 2009

Horseracing inquiry ends with admissions

Krypton Four” penalised for inside information breaches

19 Dec 2008

‘Magic Alex’ libel claims reinstated

Jameel abuse of process appeal succeeds

1 Dec 2008

Fallon and BHA settle their differences

Frank admissions” and assurances leave Jockey clear to ride next September

26 Jun 2008

Ofcom imposes record radio fine

Secret Sound competition costs GCAP £1.11million

8 May 2008

ITV pays £5.6 million price for phone in scandal

Ofcom announces record fine

4 May 2007

Hedge dispute clarifies privilege

Complainants' police witness statements are protected by absolute privilege
