The trial of Mr Jack Aaronson’s libel claim against Mr Marcus Stones began in the High Court today, Monday 12 December 2022, before Mr Justice Julian Knowles.
The Claimant, Mr Aaronson, also known as “Dominic Ford”, is a US-based entrepreneur who works in the part of the adult entertainment industry related to gay pornography. The Defendant, Mr Stones, also known as “Mickey Taylor”, is domiciled in England and Wales, and worked in the same part of the industry at the material time.
Following a disagreement between the parties in 2020, the Defendant published allegations on social media concerning the Claimant’s conduct towards two individuals, in particular that the Claimant was responsible for multiple rapes. The Claimant has sued in libel; the Defendant relies on the defences of truth and publication on matter of public interest.
The trial is expected to conclude on Thursday 15 December.
5RB’s Gervase de Wilde and Luke Browne appear for the Claimant, instructed by Cohen Davis Solicitors.