21 barristers recommended by legal directory in defamation, privacy, media, entertainment and sport
The annual Legal 500 review of the legal profession has once again named 5RB as a leading set in Defamation and Privacy and in Media, Entertainment and Sport.
The independent survey found that 5RB enjoys ‘fantastic clerking‘ and is a ‘leading libel set, with one of the biggest ranges of barristers, providing excellent service‘.
5RB was top ranked in Defamation and Privacy whilst in Media, Entertainment and Sport it ranked behind only Blackstone Chambers.
The annual review also named 21 5RB barristers (including all six QCs) as leaders in their fields. 5RB had more members of chambers recommended as leaders in Defamation and Privacy – 19 -than any other set. Five members of 5RB were recommended in Media, Entertainment and Sport.
Of the silks, Desmond Browne QC was said to be “without equal”, James Price QC “a genuine powerhouse”,and Adrienne Page QC “one of the superstars of the Bar”. Mark Warby QC was recommended in both Media, Entertainment and Sport and Defamation and Privacy (as was Desmond Browne QC), and was noted for the numerous high-profile privacy and libel matters in which he has recently been involved. Richard Parkes QC and Patrick Milmo QC were also rated as Leading Silks.