Serious Harm test to be considered again
On 21 March 2018, the UK Supreme Court (Lord Kerr, Lord Reed and Lady Black) granted permission to appeal to Independent Print Limited (‘IPL’) in the leading case on the interpretation of section 1(1) of the Defamation Act 2013, Lachaux v Independent Print Limited.
The appeal comes with conditions attached. IPL is not entitled to seek any payment from Mr Lachaux in respect of its costs of the appeal in the Supreme Court in any event. It must also lodge security for costs in the sum of £85,000.
For a report of the hearing in the Court of Appeal, see ‘Serious harm’ appeals dismissed and for the case summary of the Court of Appeal judgment, click here.
5RB‘s Adrienne Page QC and Godwin Busuttil, instructed by Taylor Hampton, are acting for Mr Lachaux.