Supreme Court refuses permission in anonymity case

Russian oligarch can now be named

The Supreme Court has today refused Russian oligarch Arcady Rotenberg permission to appeal against the Court of Appeal’s dismissal of his claim against Times Newspapers.

The case, known until today as R v R, arose from Mr Rotenberg’s financial remedies dispute. Mr Rotenberg is subject to EU sanctions and cannot travel to the UK, but has been involved in divorce litigation in London, where his wife lives. He sought an injunction preventing the media from naming him and his wife in connection with the dispute.

Mr Rotenberg also sought an order preventing reporting of the fact that his wife lives in the UK on the grounds that she was at risk of kidnap.

The Supreme Court today ruled that his application raised no point of law and should be dismissed.

5RB‘s Adam Wolanski acted for Times Newspapers throughout the case. 5RB‘s David Sherborne acted for Mr Rotenberg in the Court of Appeal.


Supreme Court announcement

5RB case report of the Court of Appeal judgment